Fabia Gozzo Bio

Fabia Gozzo holds a PhD in physics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) and more than 30 years of practical experience with synchrotron facilities, in developing complex instrumentation and using it for the study of pharmaceuticals, pigments, food components, concrete and semiconductors. At the Paul Scherrer Institute, she has contributed to the growth of the Swiss Light Source synchrotron facility where she has developed for more than 10 years a state-of-the-art powder diffractometer, acknowledged in several scientific publications as one of the best ones in the world. Dr Gozzo has built there a substantial industrial and academic user community, including some large pharmaceutical companies. In 2012, she has founded Excelsus Structural Solutions, a spin-off company of the Paul Scherrer Institute that offers analytical services based on synchrotron radiation to the pharma and chemical industry. Since 2016, Excelsus is part of Switzerland Innovation Company and since 2022 a WECONNECT INTERNATIONAL WomenOwned Certified Company. Fabia is recognized as a synchrotron- and powder diffraction expert and as such, is regularly invited at the international level as a speaker, lecturer and scientific advisor. She is author and co-author of more than 90 scientific articles and book chapters.